Monday, May 18, 2009


The ArT of Collage

I'm a big supporter of the art-making process of collage. The Oxford Pocket Dictionary defines "collage" as work of art in which various materials are arranged and glued to a backing. I would like to add, that found objects such as shells, , fabrics, photographs, tree bark, string, yarn and different textured papers can be included in a collage. You can mix mediums and use them to draw or paint onto the collage, for instance including paint, colored pencils and markers. I use collage with clients because it takes the pressure of having to draw or paint away from the art-making process. What else I enjoy about working with collage is that whatever issue a person is working on or trying to understand in their life, collage offers a nonintimidating method to explore thoughts and feelings. Magazine cut-outs provide a variety of images that can be used to represent thoughts and feelings. For instance, lets say an individual wanted a deeper understanding of his or her relationship with their sister. I might suggest that they choose images that reflect what he or she likes about their sister and images that represent what they do not like. I usually recommend that they choose between 8 and 10 images so that they are not using the entire session to go through the many picture cut-outs. Once the pictures are glued down, I will ask clients to talk about the process and share any thoughts or feelings they have about the images they chose. Together we explore the art.

Try it for yourself:
Exercise: Introduce yourself with images. Instead of introducing yourself with words, you will do it with images.

Begin collecting magazine picture cut-outs such as people, animals, places, buildings, plants, sayings, words, things, etc. Keep them in a box.

You'll need: glue, scissors, large plain paper or cardboard.

This can be a work in process. Start by choosing images that you feel define who you are, where you are in your life and other aspects of yourself you would like to share.
Glue images to the paper/board in away you wish. Overlapping if you choose.
Continue until you feel your collage is complete. Reflect on the process and if you wish, you may write a short story or poem about the collage/process.

Title your collage.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Being Fired...Can Be A Blessing in Disguise

A good friend of mine was let go today from a job she held for almost 13 years at MTV in NYC. Her last day is Friday. The stories are all around us, friends, family members, colleagues being giving the pink slip. I was let go, actually, I was fired, back in the 80's from an advertising job in NY myself. I've found whenever I've lost a job, it was a blessing in disguise. It got me thinking about how do we take care of our emotional selves when we've been shown the door. I've come up with a few tips that I feel can help ease the blow.
FIVE TIPS To Get Through the Blow of Being Let Go
1. It's a matter how much you hate your job. You will miss people, your identity will take a blow, you will feel the same emotions as with any loss: anger, fear, sadness, doubt. Remember, it's about the economy, not you. You are still a valuable, intelligent, creative, and wise individual.
2. Make sure you feel the feelings. Seek therapy, support, don't isolate from friends and family.
3. Keep a journal. You might not want to write about this experience, but it will help you get the feelings out instead of keeping them inside of you. Put your feelings down on paper. I tell clients, let the paper hold your feelings...not your body.
4. Find something to laugh about every day. Listen to music that makes you feel good. Watch a funny movie.
5. Don't limit the job search to what you've always done. Maybe there is a new career awaiting you. Give time to reflection and what it is you'd like to be doing with your life. Be creative in your job search. Think of all the skills you use on a daily basis and see if they are skills that can be applied to a new position. Let everyone you know, know that you are looking for a job. Set time aside for the job hunt, for fun, for quiet time and be hopeful. Keep your eyes open for job fairs. Stay positive and hopeful.
These are just a few ideas I have I hope that they are helpful to you. I will continue to write as I have new ideas for you.
Be Strong

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Using Collage to Tell the Story of Your Life

Collage is an exciting art medium that uses different materials to create an art piece. In this workshop, you will use magazine cut-out images, fabric, textured paper and other objects to create a collage that reflects the story or stories of your life. Supplies will be provided. $10 donation suggestion. No art experience necessary. We will begin with a short meditation to begin the art-making process.

"Enough is Enough" a time for change

To the left, my art-piece Kali-Ma. This goddess represents my inner demons that I work hard to understand and abolish such as negative self talk and doubt. She is also with me in my fight to be heard from my healthcare team and insurance companies.

I've been reading Jean Shinoda Bolen's book, "Goddesses in Older Women...archetypes in women over fifty," and can not put it down. I've found wonderful ideas for art directives as I turn the pages of this fascinating book. In the chapter titled Goddesses of Transformative Wrath: Her Name is Outrage, Bolen speaks of the goddesses who come forth when it is time for us to take ction in order to make changes in our lives, or as she writes, when enough is enough. The two goddesses Bolen includes in this chapter include Sekhmet, the ancient Egyptian Lionheaded goddess and Kali-Ma, Hindu destroyer goddess. These goddesses come into our lives when it is time for change, when we have stayed in a relationship too long, or a job, or to speak out about a cause close to your heart. I am writing about this subject in Creative Journey instead of Wisewomen because of how we can use an idea such as enough is enough to go deeper into this idea with creative self-expression. I would like to suggest that with the theme of enough is enough, you create a collage, write a poem, drawing, painting or short story addressing this subject in your life today. Begin by writing the words enough is enough on a piece of paper, focus on the words, close your eyes and repeat the words. Be aware of what images come to mind as you say these words. When an image comes to you, begin to put the image down on paper. It might come in the way of words or images. Continue to work with this piece as you allow the paper to hold what it is you have had enough of in your life. When finished, reflect on the piece and let it speak to you. You may wish to add to it at a later time. If you are in therapy, bring it with you to share with your therapist. Many times when we engage in art-making feelings can surface so seek support from a professional if you need to. And remember, to be with the process.


Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Mother's Day

As a childfree woman and having lost my mother 10 years ago, I often ponder the meaning mother's day actually has for me. I do remember my mother everyday of my life. She left this earth way to soon, and I don't need a hallmark holiday to remember and give thanks to her. Her pictures hang in my apartment, her ashes in my bedroom and her voice rings inside of me when I need her support. I never had children of my own, at least 2-legged children. I do have a dog, who for those of you who are pet-lovers understand what I mean. I did my thesis on childfree women and discovered that maternal drive can be directed toward many wonderful and fulfilling endeavors. For me, I put much of my maternal energy into the love and care of my dog, Angel, to my creative work, to my friendships and to my love of learning. These are the areas of my life I am passionate about, and keep me grounded, balanced and feeling alive. If you are a childfree woman, where do does your maternal energy manifest in your life? Whether you always dreamed of being a mother, as I did, never felt the urge or found the right partner, or time ran out, it is important to look at where this energy that might still reside inside of you is directed. Is it a wound that just wont go away, or have you let it go with love and found other ways to be a mother in your life? I'd love to know.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Mend the heart--calm the mind workshop

Workshop w/ Victoria Van Zandt!!!

"Mending the Heart--Calming the Mind: An Introduction to Expressive Art"

Wednesday April 29th, 2009

Expressive art is an amazing tool to help anxious and fearful minds relax as the art becomes the container for the feelings, not the person's body and/or mind, and it is a guide to develop greater insight into one's life. The process of doodling is an example of how drawing helps the anxious mind relax. The power of expressive art stems from the ability of imagery to be the bridge to talking about feelings and accessing emotions easier and quicker than traditional talk therapy. In this introductory workshop, you will be invited to take part in a hands-on art experiential. Art materials provided.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Power of the Dinner Table Ritual

It's come to my attention that very few families actually practice the art of gathering around the dinner table anymore. Ok, so most of my childhood dinners ended in arguing, fist-banging and my mother retreating to her bedroom, I still feel it is necessary to the mental health of families ever you define family. My family consists of me and my dog, but then again, there are no children present. I read recently that it is important to a child's wel-being to have at least 15 minutes of a parents undivided attention a day. That doesn't mean as the parent is arguing with them or attacking them for misbehavior, it means, asking questions about their day, checking in on home they are doing emotionally, academically, physically and with their peers. When the child responds, "everything is OK," the conversation doesn't end there. "What do you mean by OK?" should be the next question. Details, details, details. "What did you find interesting at school today?" Try not to ask yes, no questions, because you'll only get yes, no answers. Suggest your child help out with the dinner preparation even if it is a take out meal.
Be creative with your communication style with your child/children. Sit down and do a nonverbal drawing together about how you and your child's day was. All you need is a big piece of paper or small and markers. Each picks a color marker and take turns drawing images that represent your day.
When your down, talk about the images. You can learn a lot from pictures.