Thursday, May 28, 2009

Why Art Therapy?

If you are not familiar with the expressive arts, you might ask, Why art therapy? Why not just go to a therapist and talk my problems out? Or, How is making art really going to help me solve my problems, ease my pain and/or find solutions to my problems? First, I'm really glad you're asking these questions. I've heard a few people say they don't like attaching the word therapy to art. That art is art and therapy is therapy. And, there is art for arts sake. I would like to mention the possible added benefits of taking part in art-making. For instance, is art-making relaxing? Does art-making allow you to tap into your memory? Does art-making allow you to make sense out of your life? OK, so now we are beginning to tread in the waters of art therapy, where the process of art-making can provide greater insight into our lives, our relationships, our pain, our thoughts and feelings. Where, it's not about how good you draw, or how perfect your interpretation of a feeling is, it's about getting the feeling out on paper; it's about the process not the product. Though, it is beneficial to process the product and the art-making experience. So, why art therapy? In the case of using art with children, I find that children gravitate towards tasks and experiences that are imaginative, fun and creative much easier than talking about what is on their mind. Their art becomes a hands on experience to express what is on inside their heads and in their hearts. They might not have the words, but art can provide an outlet for feelings and thoughts that they might not have access to. Here on the blank page, they can get their anger, sadness, and frustrations out. With adults, art therapy works pretty much the same way. Not only is it a place to get feelings out, it can provide a relaxing experience where calm can bring on insight, reflection and access to deep feelings. Images can mirror back to the individual something they had previously not thought about. A collage picture might trigger a memory or thought that can be processed. There are many studies that show that by using imagery, direct access to the emotional brain takes place much quicker and easier than language alone. If the voice of perfection is alive and well inside a person, we can explore it as it speaks and develop a new healthy voice to respond to it with.
Feel free to contact me for more information on art therapy and how and where it is used and its benefits.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

In Sickness & In Health - allow Art to Lead The Way

My hand drawing from first grade...who knew?

I came across the above art peace I did when I was in first grade while going through boxes of things in my Father's house after he died. The picture was a drawing I did of tracings of my little hands on brown paper that were filled in with images using Crayons. I found this picture after I had completed graduate school in June '06. I love this picture, because one of the first art directives we were given as art therapy graduate students was to trace our hands and fill them in with images. Our hand became our admission to keep what we discussed confidential in group. Little did that first-grader know that she would go on to become an art therapist many years and many pictures later. There were many things I didn't know about myself in first grade including that I would end up with a chronic illness and use my personal and professional experience to work with others whose lives have been affected by a chronic health condition.
I have lived 35 of my 52 years with a chronic condition and bring both my life wisdom and academic knowledge to my work. I like to say that I help individuals and families navigate the changing seas of chronic illness. That together we can celebrate the successes and acknowledge the challenges of having a chronic health condition. I help them build a healthy relationship with their bodies amidst fluctuating health. For instance, when my body is being challenged by a new ailment - how can I keep my identity in tact? As a believer in the healing power of expressive arts, I invite individuals to draw, write and create during the journey of living with an illness. One art directive you might try when your identity is in limbo, might be to create a collage of yourself feeling good and one when you feel physically challenged. How do they differ? What remains the same? What remains the same, I believe, is who we are with or without our illness. Our bodies might change, but we (I) do not. So, who is that I I am speaking of? I invite you to do an I collage or drawing. Include the aspects of yourself that never change, the aspects that do change and, the aspects that you are uncertain of whether they change or not. It doesn't matter how small or large this part of you is that doesn't change, it does exist. Create a large art piece that represents this never-changing aspect of you amidst chronic illness. Name the peice. Maybe she is one of the goddesses, or someone or something you have created. You might also want to write a poem about her. Allow her to teach you about your health condition. Allow all parts of you to be your sickness and in health.

Monday, May 18, 2009


The ArT of Collage

I'm a big supporter of the art-making process of collage. The Oxford Pocket Dictionary defines "collage" as work of art in which various materials are arranged and glued to a backing. I would like to add, that found objects such as shells, , fabrics, photographs, tree bark, string, yarn and different textured papers can be included in a collage. You can mix mediums and use them to draw or paint onto the collage, for instance including paint, colored pencils and markers. I use collage with clients because it takes the pressure of having to draw or paint away from the art-making process. What else I enjoy about working with collage is that whatever issue a person is working on or trying to understand in their life, collage offers a nonintimidating method to explore thoughts and feelings. Magazine cut-outs provide a variety of images that can be used to represent thoughts and feelings. For instance, lets say an individual wanted a deeper understanding of his or her relationship with their sister. I might suggest that they choose images that reflect what he or she likes about their sister and images that represent what they do not like. I usually recommend that they choose between 8 and 10 images so that they are not using the entire session to go through the many picture cut-outs. Once the pictures are glued down, I will ask clients to talk about the process and share any thoughts or feelings they have about the images they chose. Together we explore the art.

Try it for yourself:
Exercise: Introduce yourself with images. Instead of introducing yourself with words, you will do it with images.

Begin collecting magazine picture cut-outs such as people, animals, places, buildings, plants, sayings, words, things, etc. Keep them in a box.

You'll need: glue, scissors, large plain paper or cardboard.

This can be a work in process. Start by choosing images that you feel define who you are, where you are in your life and other aspects of yourself you would like to share.
Glue images to the paper/board in away you wish. Overlapping if you choose.
Continue until you feel your collage is complete. Reflect on the process and if you wish, you may write a short story or poem about the collage/process.

Title your collage.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Being Fired...Can Be A Blessing in Disguise

A good friend of mine was let go today from a job she held for almost 13 years at MTV in NYC. Her last day is Friday. The stories are all around us, friends, family members, colleagues being giving the pink slip. I was let go, actually, I was fired, back in the 80's from an advertising job in NY myself. I've found whenever I've lost a job, it was a blessing in disguise. It got me thinking about how do we take care of our emotional selves when we've been shown the door. I've come up with a few tips that I feel can help ease the blow.
FIVE TIPS To Get Through the Blow of Being Let Go
1. It's a matter how much you hate your job. You will miss people, your identity will take a blow, you will feel the same emotions as with any loss: anger, fear, sadness, doubt. Remember, it's about the economy, not you. You are still a valuable, intelligent, creative, and wise individual.
2. Make sure you feel the feelings. Seek therapy, support, don't isolate from friends and family.
3. Keep a journal. You might not want to write about this experience, but it will help you get the feelings out instead of keeping them inside of you. Put your feelings down on paper. I tell clients, let the paper hold your feelings...not your body.
4. Find something to laugh about every day. Listen to music that makes you feel good. Watch a funny movie.
5. Don't limit the job search to what you've always done. Maybe there is a new career awaiting you. Give time to reflection and what it is you'd like to be doing with your life. Be creative in your job search. Think of all the skills you use on a daily basis and see if they are skills that can be applied to a new position. Let everyone you know, know that you are looking for a job. Set time aside for the job hunt, for fun, for quiet time and be hopeful. Keep your eyes open for job fairs. Stay positive and hopeful.
These are just a few ideas I have I hope that they are helpful to you. I will continue to write as I have new ideas for you.
Be Strong

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Using Collage to Tell the Story of Your Life

Collage is an exciting art medium that uses different materials to create an art piece. In this workshop, you will use magazine cut-out images, fabric, textured paper and other objects to create a collage that reflects the story or stories of your life. Supplies will be provided. $10 donation suggestion. No art experience necessary. We will begin with a short meditation to begin the art-making process.